Sunday, December 19, 2010

1st Semester Wrap Up

I'm really stressed out. I am on the second stage of my suicide print and I was really hoping to finish it but I will not be able to. I was going to do a litho print of a photograph but Stamper was not there for me to stay after school friday. I redid the part of the "Forget Me Not" color pencil drawing and finished that. I do not like it at all.

I have also started a painting and will be done with it for this nine weeks. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Tis the time to be uber stressed out.

So I've been crazy busy with all of my classes as everyone is trying to wrap up before finals and christmas break. I have been slacking on my 8 project due this nine weeks. So here is what I have and where I'm going:
1. 2nd Screen Print
2, 3, and 4. Are photographs
5. Suicide Print (need to finish)
6. Weave Drawing (need to finish)
7. Dry Point Etching (which I did at GT art and Love)

and 8. Im going to use a photo I took using the shadow technique and do a litho print with it. 

So I have 5 projects done, which is further along than I thought I was!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black friday isn't for shopping, its for homework

I have been swamped with homework on this short break, but I have found some time to brain storm for a photo shoot I am doing with a friend next week. I was throwing around some ideas about things women hide behind. I had the idea to do some pictures with shadows from different items and fabrics and have a model try to come through the shadows, I know that doesn't make a lot of since but you will have to see it. Like the shadow being secrets and how the women must move past them by "finding the light", i guess i have a hard time putting my ideas into words. Also I though about doing something with masks. Elizabeth has bunch of masks she was gonna let me borrow.

Friday, November 19, 2010

This weeks blog....

I have finally started my print, Its a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have decided to do my suicide print first. I really need to get some other projects going over break and Im doing a "photoshoot" with Kara Petterson and Im really excited, so hopefully I will get some things out of that. Also I really like the idea of weaving in my photos with my drawing of the women, but it is not easy and it doesn't look they way expected so hopefully I can get that worked out.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Project Update

I finished my 2nd screen print and really like it. Now I'm starting on my prints. Mrs. Medley has a new printer so I am going to do the picture frame with as an etching because I think it was be easier and safer for my hands because of all the detail. I am going to start my swallow print tomorrow!!! . I really liked the book with the different backgrounds I was going to do something like that and print my Tree Women on it to just give it a more finished look. Also I need to plan to incorporate a painting into my projects, any ideas?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Weave Drawing Idea

So I'm not a huge fan of drawing so i've been slacking on my weave drawing project. I have to top drawing of the women and child finished but the second drawing...not so much. I had the idea of weaving in some kinda of fabric or a photo graph that would still look good and speed things up, what do you think?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Print Sketches

New Project Update

This is the sketch i did this first with thicker paper but i didn't like it, it wasnt thin enough so i tried with this paper and was able to make the 3 layers and now i just need to add color.

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Project Idea

I have started my second screen print. It is not anything like the one before. I have done a few sketches and have found the design I like. I will be working on finishing up all of the project I have here and there over fall break. I'm really excited about this screen print!!! which is based on this picture

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Project Idea

So I really like this and i'm going to use different layers of paper to make up the face.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've Lost My Way

So as you all know, i'm having a breakdown. Many of my projects and my main theme in art was about relationships and crap, well mine fell apart and he is a awful person and blah blah blah. Well lets just say im not really in the mood to do art about relationships, and im not really sure if i still want to "marry" it, or even "date" it anymore. I think im just gonna take a break and work on some other projects for the breadth area of the test.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Possibly A New Project Idea

So I had the idea of doing a photo shoot and having women recreate  a modern fill of the women in famous paintings, is it silly or good? This picture was just a test to see how I liked it. What do you think, any ideas?

3rd Project Advice Needed

black and white or color? 
do you think one is ready for my portfolio?

5th Project Beginning

This is a sketch of the idea I have for my "more complex" screen print. The paper crane is a symbol of peace, and the couple falling down the rope is the battle to maintain peace in a relationship, and the couple reaching for each other shows that no matter how much they may want to be civil and have peace with each other, sometimes its not always possible.

What do you think?

Project List and Update

1st Project- tree collage with paper cranes - i have made the tree bigger and just need to play with size and placement of the paper cranes and get it all glued down

2nd Project- women and child pillars weave drawing- i have been slacking on this and really need to jump on it i still need to finish both drawings then get the placement right and weave them together

3rd Project- photos with flowers new take on "he loves me, he loves me not"- i am finish with editing these and ready to print

4th Project- trees in the shape of women screen print- i have the screen filled (in one day woot woot) and am ready to print

5th Project- paper and falling couple screen print- i have the sketch and idea still working on but hope to start working on my screen at the beginning of next week

Just giving an update.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Screen Printing Update!!

I have two designs for my screen printing project. My first one is women in the shape of trees to symbolize women's wisdom and strength. I am still working on my second design which is a bit more difficult so the "tree women" designed is kind of like my trial run but I am still really excited about it!! I finished the screen and am just waiting for a chance to print it tomorrow!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

New Pictures!!!

I did a friend's senior pictures and this is what I got, What do you think?